THE CANTALOUPE or Shiny Pants Emporium

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måndag, januari 24

I've Been Hit By an Errant Cantaloupe

The Cantaloupe

As the sun faded from the sky, turning the world into shadows and darkness, I sat at the computer typing away. Suddenly there was a knocking on my door! Who could it be except my astute butler Henry? I asked Henry to come in. He did not. I asked again. Still there was no answer. With the gusto of a Hungarian barber I dashed to the door and flung it open. There was no one there. So as I write this week's edition of the Cantaloupe, you must remember that the butler is never truly there. Oh he'll tell you that he is, but you mustn't believe him.

This week I present material gathered from other source

Today I figured I'd tell you a story from The Return of the Incomplete Book of Failures by Stephen Pile.

In 1980 an Italian businessman in Brescia was sent out to buy a pet dog for his children. When he returned with a small fluffy bundle and immediate family argument broke out as to what breed it was. His wife insisted it was a fine-haired chihuahua and his children would not sleep for claiming it was a poodle, while the buyer himself would hear no word against his own belief that it was a pedigree labrador, as the salesman had told him.
Only when they took the animal to the vet after three months, complaining that it never barked, did they learn that it was, in fact, a lion."

Behold the majestic and magical beluga

Since I last wrote to you, school is back in full swing. Classes and books and that other thing I don't do. Yeah, that. Well school can be a magical place. A place where your eyes are open to the realities of the world around us. Where you learn to take skills and apply them to the real world. Actually i don't know if it does either of those things, but it does allow me to go to sporting events with a very large drum and bang on it all night. Okay, so I wouldn't actually even have to go to school to do that. Either way with the Super Bowl coming up within the next say...two weeks I've decided to come up with a list of fun things you can do to support your favourite team.

Get a bunch of coconut halves and bang them together
I have coconut halves! And they sound like a running horse. Thus, if many people were to do it, it would sound like many horses. I don't know if it would help your team, but it certainly would sound cool in person and would be sweet to try

Vow to only wear a towel until your team wins the championship
This plan would certainly show a lot of devotion on your part. I mean most of my readers live in harsh and cold climates. And many of my readers have jobs. However this would be the ultimate show of devotion. In fact, make the towel and towel with the logo of the team you're supporting. The downside of course is that towels are hard to keep on and public nakedness is frowned upon. And in the winter public nakedness is painful. On the upside, you wouldn't have to buy any clothes for a while (especially if your favourite team is the Cincinnati Bengals). And who knows how many towels you can find in your house, maybe you can wear like 50 of them and it won't even be much of a sacrifice.

Start an annual community event supporting the team
Everyone likes a rally of some kind. Back when the Flames were in the Stanley Cup Finals, the city of Calgary had quite a few a them. Everyone supports a winning team. However if your team is less than a winning team you may want to have some funner events at your rally. Like catapulting walruses. We supply the catapult, you bring your own walrus. Who wouldn't come to that? Maybe we can aim for the windows of some office towers. Think about that for shock! You're working in your 7th floor office when all of a sudden a walrus flies through your window! This needs to happen. And everyone will get team spirit because of this event. Oh in case you don't have a catapult or a walrus, you can certainly use trebuchets and bottlenose dolphins.

Two words: Rig it
If you have enough money you can pay the players on the opposing teams. I mean why can't sports be rigged? Most popular television shows are rigged. Ross and Rachel were paid big bucks to get back together in the Friends finale. They were told they had to by crooked television producers. Why can't sports be rigged too? Or maybe instead of rigging sports we should unrig everything else. From now on, life will be completely improvised. You "PLAN" to go to such and such a college, eh? Well that's rigging the future! You can now no longer think of anything, but the present or the past. And definitely no thinking of consequences. You want to cross the street, so do it. You're not allowed to think about the car that will most likely hit you. Wait, I don't even think this works. So no unrigging. More rigging. That way your team is guarenteed to win. Of course don't give them all the money before the game, because then you could lose all your money and the game. And that would make you cry. And grown men and women don't cry. That's what society tells us. And clearly society in the boss of our lives.

Tomorrow and the Never-ending Circus of Vibration

Quote of the day:
"Sterility may be inherited" -Pacific Rural News

And I don't need to remind you again, but if you have any comments, questions or annoyingly unuseful dollar bills in your pocket you can most certainly send them to me. Or tell me topics you would like to hear me discuss in a more thorough fashion. Once again, until next time have a wonderful Happy Meal.

Trevor YVR Plett

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