THE CANTALOUPE or Shiny Pants Emporium

The online home of the Cantaloupe! Oh wait, there is no offline home...and this is just an archive anyways Or possibly buy a pair of shiny pants. Cheap! Cheap! Cheap!

onsdag, november 10

Dull Days Ahead

The Cantaloupe

So now we enter the dead, most boring month of the year. That's right. November sucks! Hey, that said, does anyone remember when you weren't allowed to say "sucks" because it was a bad word. Those days were funny. Either way we have no holidays for two months. TWO WHOLE MONTHS! I mean it's kinda like that in the summer, except that you don't need holidays in the summer, because it's summer. Well since there's nothing of anything in November we need to make up some fun activities. Well here's some more suggestions...

I think to have fun you should start a lemonade stand on the street. Try and find a particularly cold day for this. Thus the lemonade will freeze. But cars will double take as they drive by. However the bitter cold might nullify all the amount of fun that this is. So instead let's find something to do inside.

Remember when you were a little kid and you played with action figures and dolls and stuff? What happened to those days? I mean you can make up so many stories and stuff just with your imagination. So much better than TV, that's for sure! And definitely better than computers! Now some of you may think I'm being sarcastic here, however you obviously don't know me well enough to know that I think both computers and TV are not so cool. And you also must realize I wasn't sarcastic on that last sentence or this one. Typing and sarcasm is a difficult thing to understand....just watch
Person 1-Hey you know what I did yesterday? I covered myself in honey and smashed bee's nests!
Person 2- Yeah, that's cool
Person 1- Much cooler than your day that's for sure
Person 2- YepNow pretty much you have no idea what was just said there because any of those sentences could be said seriously or sarcastically in any order. Just try reading them again in different ways. Even the first sentence could be sarcastic. That's the difficulty with typing.

You Know What I Hate?

That's right, belt buckles!

You Know Why I Hate Belt Buckles?

That's right, because they don't rhyme. Well other than with.....felt knuckles....or smelt duckles...wait....I want a smelt duckles. From now on the Cantaloupe's sports teams will be known as the Smelt Duckles.

A Recap of Last Night's Big Game

What a game! It was in the fourth quarter of a the game, the Smelt Duckles trailing the Radish Pirates 89-7. That's when the Smelt Duckles pulled out of their bag the amazing 110 point touchdown play to win! And by 110 point touchdown play I mean they fumbled, let the other team score and convinced themselves they had won so that they could erase the bad memories of the game.
In other news, the Smelt Duckles rugby team won the title. Of course by title I mean "Worst Team Ever". But it's the title nonetheless.

Question to Ponder

If you were a super villain in a movie, how would you try and take over the world?

Look ma, no hands! By the way, if I ever become a zombie all I ask is you give me a little taste of your brain, C'mon just a little! It won't hurt much.

Trevor YVR Plett