THE CANTALOUPE or Shiny Pants Emporium

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torsdag, april 22

I Like Thursdays

The Cantaloupe

One day there was a man named Jabor. Well okay, he didn't appear that very day, but that saying just shows our story begins there. This man one crisp spring day decided to set up a fruit stand. And not just any fruit stand, but a nectarine selling stand. Over the course of many weeks he sold nectarines to his loyal customers. In fact, most of his customers were those that bought in the first few weeks and were hooked. Rarely did a new buyer come along.Well Jabor did other things too. He played a lot of cricket and he washed his cow at least 3 days a week. So it's not as if the nectarine stand was the only thing he did. In fact the nectarine stand was only something he did because it was enjoyable and he didn't want to disappoint those that bought nectarines. Well after reliably selling nectarines for a couple months he began getting much less positive nectarine comments in his comment box. Well a few people dropped a note saying, "I loved the nectarine today. Really tasty", but not many did. In fact this bummed Jabor out.Well as you certainly can imagine Jabor didn't operate the nectarine shop nearly as much as before. It's not that he didn't enjoy it, it was more that it was becoming more of a routine rather than something fun he did. So once Jabor opened the store on a Saturday which he had never done before. He also began selling different coloured nectarines...some were green, some were blue.I'm not going to tell you everything worked out fine for Jabor. He enjoys the fruit stand, but not as much as when he started. Of course at times he actually enjoys it more: for example, when he found some giant nectarines in stock and he sold those. Jabor is an awesome guy, if you met him you'd know that to be true. In fact today, Jabor thoroughly enjoyed writing...I mean selling nectarines. Jabor had a lot of fun. He hopes his nectarine eaters savour every bite of their wonderful fruit.

Question of the Day

If I asked a question and nobody answered, did I ask the question?

Random Comment

You all need to do me a favour. Go to and vote for Darr Maqbool as the greatest Canadian. Why? Because watch Darr and tell me he's not the greatest Canadian. He soooo is! If all of you did that it'd be very kind. And also because PINCHY COMMANDS YOU!The curse is over, I can now watch hockey with whoever I want.
Go Flames Go



At 8:20 em, Anonymous Anonym said...

I want starfruit


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